Tuesday 12 February 2013

Oh what's the point?!

Now being in sixth form i have having less time to blog, but today i have the time to write a quite blog post to talk about how the few months have been and in more detail these past 2 weeks. I'm not going to lie but it has been less and less good by the minute. Anything that goes slighty right, something 10 times worse goes wrong and has been making me less and less concentrated with my work, not only this has affected me but also the friends and family i have. The reason for the name of the blog post, is that a 2 days ago i posted these words on my what's app (instant message application) status. "what's the point of doing anything, if all i am going to lose". I'm not going to talk in detail what has happened but all i am going to say is once again i have lost more friends, or at least might. My feelings for this is that i am stupid with friend , nothing has been going right and that my life is falling apart and im letting it happen. Hopefully things work out for me soon and i might be getting a "CBT" or also know as compulsary basic training (motorbikes/mopeds). Will keep you updated on things as it happens.

Also, one more thing.

Never lose those most closest to you, it hurts too much to lose.

Until next time fellow bloggers and blog readers

SalvoSoldier (John Machan)

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